Urgent announcement
Because of the Novel Coronavirus outbreak, Chinese and Korean delegates cannot come to Japan.
EACIC Symposium 1 and 2 are cancelled.
EACIC 2020 will be held as the poster session.
The poster session will be held during 10:00-11:00 on February 15th, 2020.
(Presentation time 3 mins and Q & A 3 mins)
Yasushi Harihara, M,D, Ph,D.
President of 17th EACIC 2020
Deputy CEO, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
急 告
そのため、Symposium 1.Surveillance of Healthcare-associated InfectionsとSymposium 2.Antimicrobial Resistanceは開催できなくなりました。
EACIC 2020はポスターセッションのみ行うこととしました。韓国の演題3題と日本の演題7題の予定です。
第17回東アジア感染制御カンファレンス(EACIC 2020) 会長
NTT東日本関東病院 副院長
下記の予定でEACIC 2020を開催します。
**Symposium 1. Surveillance of Healthcare-associated Infections**
Chairperson 1:Hong Bin Kim, M.D., FIDSA
Director, International Affairs, KOSHIC
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine,
Seoul National University College of Medicine
CQO (Chief Quality Officer), Division of Infectious Diseases,
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Chairperson 2:Kei Kasahara, M.D.
Center for Infectious Diseases, Nara Medical University, Japan
Speaker 1 :Title: Surveillance of Healthcare-associated Infections in China
Liuyi Li
Director, the department of infection control,
Peking University First Hospital
President, The Hospital Infection Management Committee of
Chinese Hospital Association
Speaker 2 :Title: Ten-year surveillance of central line-associated bloodstream
infections in South Korea: Surveillance not enough, action needed
Young Hwa Choi, M.D.
Chair, KONIS steering committee
Editor-in-chief, Korean Journal of Healthcare-associated Infection
Control & Prevention
Department of Infectious Diseases, Ajou University School of Medicine,
Speaker 3 :Title: Surveillance of Healthcare-associated Infections in Japan
Keita Morikane, M.D.
Division of Infection Control and Clinical Laboratory,
Yamagata University Hospital, Japan
**Poster Session**
10:00-10:25 14 posters free discussion
**Symposium 2. Antimicrobial Resistance**
Chairperson 1:Fengli Gao
Doctor of nursing science, Associate Professor, Master's Tutor.
Director of nursing department of Chaoyang Hospital in Beijing
Vice-president, The Hospital Infection Management Committee of
Chinese Hospital Association
Chairperson 2:Mitsuo Kaku, M.D.
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan
Speaker 1 :Title: Current situation of Antimicrobial Resistance in Japan
Norio Ohmagari, M.D.
Disease Control and Prevention Center,
National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
Speaker 2 :Title: Current situation of Antimicrobial Resistance in China
Tieying Hou
Director, department of Microbiology
Guangdong Academy of Medicine Science & Guangdong General Hospital
Vice-president, The Hospital Infection Management Committee of
Chinese Hospital Association
Speaker 3 :Title: Introduction of AMR surveillance system in Korea
Hyukmin Lee, M.D.
Director, Business Affairs, KOSHIC
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Research Institute of
Bacterial Resistance,Severance Hospital,
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
第35回日本環境感染学会総会のホームページ内にEACIC 2020の開催案内を近日中に掲載いたしますのでご覧ください。